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Religious Culture and Art

Religious Culture and Art

Religious Culture and Art

Bachelor Management Innovation et Humanités

40 hours
5 ECTS credits

Aims and Summary

In this module, students will study different monotheist and polytheist religions in order to highlight differences or analogies. The module will provide students with the historical background needed to understand the context of emergence and growth of the different religions. The intellectual approach to religion will be complemented by the use of artistic examples, thereby adding context to the religious issues.

The students will deliver presentations on art works selected by the module leader.

They will therefore acquire I the necessary analysis tools to appraise visual art.

The students will also read extracts from the various religions’ foundational texts which will be discussed in class.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a historical and philosophical understanding of several religions and of their relations, as major expressions of human culture.
  2. Analyse art works in terms of their artistic composition and religious content.
  3. Compare religious themes and artistic practices
  4. Critically engage with the effects of religion on aspects of human existence.

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