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Development of Politics and Society

Development of Politics and Society

Development of Politics and Society

Bachelor Management Innovation et Humanités

50 hours
10 ECTS credits

Aims and Summary

This module aims to explain and develop students’ understanding of the development of the modern Western world: from its origins, through the modern, up to postmodern society. It will proceed chronologically from the Big Bang to the most recent challenges. Students will be exposed to the political, economic, , scientific, religious, moral and philosophical dimensions of Western civilization. To this effect, they will read thinkers that accompanied the civilizational developments. The readings could include thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero, Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Constant, Marx, Nietzsche, Fukuyama, Held, or Ferguson.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, the student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and analysis of historical events,, actors and their accomplishments, enabling an intellectual understanding of Western civilization.

2. Recognize and explain the major political, scientific, religious, economic, moral and philosophical issues that have shaped Western civilization.

3. Demonstrate understanding of writings of key thinkers in Western civilization

4. Show understanding of the challenges facing our civilization, accompanied by the ability to build a structured and evidence-based train of argument

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